Our Message

At Barakah Al-Sanabel Company, our mission is to deliver pasta and food products by adhering to the highest quality standards and utilizing the latest production line technologies

Our Vision

Barakah Al-Sanabel aims to be a leading company in the production of pasta and food products, becoming a preferred brand among customers by offering high-quality products that meet their needs and comply with food safety standards

Our Values

Baraka Al-Sanabel is a modern Saudi company specializing in the production and delivery of pasta and food products, adhering to the highest quality standards, using the finest ingredients, and employing the latest technologies.

Baraka Al-Sanabel is a modern Saudi company specializing in the production and delivery of pasta and food products, adhering to the highest quality standards, using the finest ingredients, and employing the latest technologies

باستخدام أحدث آليات خطوط الإنتاج التقنية

using the latest technological production line mechanisms

لضمان إنتاج المكرونة بأعلى بأفضل معايير الجودة، يتم استخدام أجود أنواع القمح في إنتاج المكرونة

To ensure the production of pasta with the highest quality standards, the finest types of wheat are used in the production process.